Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kiawah Island Shop Finds!

Last week I posted about our family trip to Kiawah Island. It was such a fabulous trip! We spent most of our trip hanging out at the beach, but I did manage to get away and take a walk around the shopping center at Freshfields Village with my mom.

What a cute area and the shops were amazing!

In the first home decor shop, I was greeted by these lovely yellow ladies!
I fabulous are these...really? Wish I could have taken them home!

Then I stumbled upon this beautful Gray Velvet Chesterfield Sofa.....

How about this beauty for my sunburst fans......oh yeah!

I couldn't believe how many samples and books of fabric were in this store! You could seriously find any pattern and color you were looking for right here in this little shop.

The lighting in this store was just amazing. So much to look at I seriously was having major home decor overload! (if thats even possible)

Then I came across the area that I could actually afford...(so I thought). I saw this cute little waste basket that I could use in my master bedroom. was $129!! I about fell over. Then...I decided I could totally DIY a trash can and it would look just the same! So anyone with me on this!?? DIY craft night?

Then it was on to shop #2!

I totally fell in love with this hanging rope bed.

I even had my brother start making me some plans for this bed to be placed in a screened-in porch. Well...I don't have a screened-in porch, but I think I need one just to fit this gorgeous bed inside! I would so be taking naps outside everyday!

This shop had some beautiful bedding.

As well as any color and size pillows:

Made out of these fabulous fabric choices!

My last find was this rope mirror. I think this might be my next DIY as well as the waste basket!

Is anyone else drooling at this point? You can imagine what I felt like in real life! HA!
Hope you enjoyed these awesome Kiawah Shop Finds!

Have you logged on for the Barb Huber Designer Bag Giveaway?

If you haven't make sure you do! ONE DAY LEFT!!!!


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